If you are looking for Chandigarh to Bathinda or Bathinda to Chandigarh then you reach on right place because our service provides you best service and the best facilities. You can easily online booking of the trip because our Booking in simple steps and not complicated
Distance between 235 km Timing Chandigarh to Bathinda is 4 hours on average
Our service matches the needs of the user in that you will get every facility because our service works according to the needs of the customers.
Our services work on time like picking up the customer on time and dropping them off on time so you don't waste your time and you reach the destination place on time.
Our service has been working for a long time and therefore has a lot of experience. There are educated and verified drivers. Their proofs are taken before hiring the driver.
You will get many facilities on our service like food advance booking and low budget. Our service has been working for a long time.
Palak Paneer is a delectable gravy that tastes delicious. Its ingredients include Palak, Paneer, and other spices. They cook and grind the Palak to make a paste of it, which is then put on flame for a while by adding all the other ingredients along with Paneer. They serve Palak Paneer with Roti, Naan, or Paratha. It is healthy and rich in nutrients.
Tandoori Chicken is a chicken dish that is cooked inside a tandoor container. It is one of the famous cuisines of Punjab. The chicken is marinated with spices. These spices add flavor and taste to the chicken. Tandoori Chicken can be eaten without any side dish. People serve this mainly with green chutney, or mint chutney, which tastes delicious.
Lassi is a drink that has its origin in Punjab. People in Bhatinda prepare Lassi by adding masala which adds the taste to Lassi. Lassi is a healthy drink that also fills your stomach. Punjabis perceptibly drink 2-3 big glasses of Lassi after their meals. It helps in the proper digestion of the food
Dal Makhani is a gravy that has its origin in North India. It is one of the popularly known dishes of Punjab. People add black lentils and kidney beans to it. They add cream or milk which adds to its taste and makes it a grand delicacy. People serve Dal Makhani with Roti, Naan, Paratha
Sarso Da Saag is a gravy that is famous in the Northern parts of India. People from Bhatinda prepare this dish in a delicious way. They cook Saag till it becomes soft and they make a paste of it. They add fried Onions, ginger-garlic paste, and tomato. It tastes good and they serve it with Roti or Naan. It is very healthy.